
Thursday, 28 June 2012


So we've come to the end of another term already, and it's time for some more firsts...first school photos and first reports...
Ahh the smile that's not really a smile...was gutted when I opened this, I really wanted to see that gorgeous gap!!!
I was so disappointed with the report, not because of its content because he did really well, but it's all just so impersonal and politically correct, and sounds like a computer program has written it. I know it's showing my age but I prefer the old-school style reports, where teachers told you if you were hopeless or if you were brilliant and what you needed to work on.
The only thing he is hopeless at - using a computer  - I had to laugh, sorry Brian!!!
Excellent efforts for PE and Art - surprise surprise - not!!!

Well done Scubba, we are so proud of you and the way you've taken school life completely in your stride. You have made so many new friends, you love your teachers and you absolutely love going to school. You work so hard and we are amazed by how much you have grown and learnt in the last few months. xo

A day off

Yesterday there was a teachers strike here so no school for Austin, and for a change we didn't have anything planned or anywhere to rush off to. So while the teachers were screaming and shouting down at Town Hall we had a lazy morning hanging round the house, then headed off to Lily's weekly swimming lesson. And I'm sure it was because Austin was there to watch her and she wanted to impress him but after trying hard all term (and not quite getting there) she finally got her torpedo dive perfect and they moved her up to the next level. Yay, well done baby girl!!!
The sun came out in the afternoon so when Steve got home we decided to start painting the cubby house, a job which we have been putting off for far too long, but with all the rain we've had lately it was turning green so it couldn't wait any longer. Steve and I got a lot of the first coat done (the kids gave up after about 10 minutes), but we both have a bad tendency to start things and not finish so let's see how long it takes us. Dad is coming up on the weekend so I'm hoping he'll take pity on us and finish it off!!!

there was more paint on her hands than the cubby but hey she had a lot of fun
Team Hulley working hard
We ended the day with a scooter ride and a play at the local park, something we don't seem to find the time to do enough these days with the rush of school, soccer training, gymnastics etc.
So thank you NSW Teachers Federation...

Friday, 22 June 2012

Madame Tussauds

We went into the city last weekend, for yet ANOTHER visit to the Aquarium. When we got there I saw that Madame Tussauds had opened next door, and as our season tickets also included entrance to there I dragged Austin in to have a look (Lily was fast asleep in the pram by this stage). It was actually pretty cool which completely surprised me, and Austin had a lot of fun with the props, especially the drum set (see video below), but afterwards he said "I didn't really like that, can we go to the Aquarium now". Spoilt...

Captain Cook
Mark Webbers car
Shane Warne
Slim Dusty - one for my Dad and Brian