
Tuesday, 23 August 2011

the kitten with no name...

After a couple of weeks of complete animal overload at his parents and brothers house Steve returned from his last trip to South Africa absolutely determined that we were getting a pet!!!

It's been 3 years since our beloved boy-dog Spanner passed away and nearly 3 since we had to leave our beautiful baby girl Alaska behind in SA, and to be honest the sadness we felt was overwhelming and we vowed we would never have another pet. But time heals, as they say, and we don't want Austin or Lily to grow up without animals around them, so although we dont really have the perfect house for an animal at the moment, well not a dog anyway, we decided to just go for it and deal with the consequences...

Originally Steve was determined to have a marine fish tank, not the easiest thing to keep, or the cheapest as we discovered after looking around... After realising we'd have to take out a 2nd mortgage to buy anything half decent we laughed it off and decided that if it couldn't be a dog, then it would have to be a cat.

So we settled on the breed and colour we wanted, googled breeders in Sydney...then a few weeks later drove halfway through Sydney to pick up our gorgeous 2 month old Burmese kitten...who 3 weeks later we still don't have a name for...


Wednesday, 10 August 2011

happy birthday aunty berta...

Today in honour of our aunty Roberta's birthday we painted Brazilian flags...

 Austin did a brilliant job...

Lily not so much...

 Happy Birthday Aunty Berta...

We love you and miss you...xoxo

Happy Birthday Chica!!! Hope you are having an amazing day with your family, lots love and big hugs....xo

Monday, 8 August 2011

bye bye front tooth...

A year and a half ago Austin was mucking around on the couch, fell and knocked his front tooth quite badly. It ended up with an abcess and took numerous courses of antibiotics, endless visits to the dentist, endless dentists bills and eventually a root canal to save it and get it to re-attach. We could have taken it out then and there but we just couldn't face the thought of our little 3 year old without his front tooth. Well its been fine for the last year or so, apart from getting a bit darker and obviously a bit weaker, because it eventually cracked straight down the middle - while eating a Smartie cookie at Zubi - "see mummy was right, those biscuits are bad for you..." 

Steve tried to take it out with a piece of gauze but the tooth was going nowhere and he only succeeded in breaking the other half off - I had to hold him back from getting the pliers out!!!
So off to the dentist we went...again...

waiting in the dental chair - last pic of tooth

injection time - our brave little boy

 tears from injection - those palate ones really sting...

laughing again while waiting for anaesthetic to work...no idea what's coming...

The tooth was actually pretty tough to get out because there wasn't much left for the pliers to grip, but Austin was so brave, he only cried a little bit. I mean the feeling of a tooth being pulled is horrible for anyone, but even more so when you are 4 and dont really know what's happening. We were so proud of him.

milkshake afterwards...he was so excited, kept smiling at us (much to our horror - its quite strange to see your little boy suddenly have no tooth) and looking at himself in mirror and talking about the tooth fairy coming...

putting tooth under his pillow for the tooth fairy
sleep tight our brave little boy

the tooth fairy came that night but apparently she wasn't generous enough...austin came through in the morning all excited "mummy, daddy, guess what, the tooth fairy came, she came - but she only left me $1" 
...kids these days...

Friday, 5 August 2011

sou afreeka book...

Lately Austin's drawings have been the same thing over and over - big houses with lots of windows - "like our old house which was big and had a treehouse and a backyard to play tackle with daddy and kick balls in..." - talk about major guilt trip!!!
But the other day while he was drawing, he asked for a stapler because "I want to make a book". So I gave it to him and left him to it...a while later he came through to the bedroom and showed me his "sou afreeka book".


"this is me walking to the spaceship to fly it"???

"this is a zebra eating some grass"

"this is a spider with 8 legs"????

"this is a lion trying to eat a bird"

He asked me how to spell "sou afreeka" and "the end", wrote it on the front and back, then read me the story. I love the way he puts his fingers over the 'words', just like I do...