
Friday, 5 August 2011

sou afreeka book...

Lately Austin's drawings have been the same thing over and over - big houses with lots of windows - "like our old house which was big and had a treehouse and a backyard to play tackle with daddy and kick balls in..." - talk about major guilt trip!!!
But the other day while he was drawing, he asked for a stapler because "I want to make a book". So I gave it to him and left him to it...a while later he came through to the bedroom and showed me his "sou afreeka book".


"this is me walking to the spaceship to fly it"???

"this is a zebra eating some grass"

"this is a spider with 8 legs"????

"this is a lion trying to eat a bird"

He asked me how to spell "sou afreeka" and "the end", wrote it on the front and back, then read me the story. I love the way he puts his fingers over the 'words', just like I do...


  1. cute ! Alex asked the other day about making a book but we were walking out the door and the bad mother i am i forgot about it ! I showed Alex the video and he looked at me in shock and said "Austin CAN READ !!!!"

  2. awesome----latest stats in South Africa only25% of black South Africans literate/numerocy at aged 12 to 14 !!!
