
Tuesday, 21 February 2012

fishing with grandpa

So Brian and Monica arrived a week ago today, we haven't done any touristy things really as they've been to Sydney a few times before so we've just been hanging about, doing normal things and catching up.
 But Sunday was such a glorious day we decided to head up to Palm Beach in the afternoon for a bit of fishing (ok I admit I had to be dragged there, fishing is definitely not my favourite past time). I'm glad I went though, it was wonderful to watch Brian teaching Austin how to cast, something that didn't seem at all possible a year ago when Brian was virtually bedridden 24/7. 

the only thing we caught . . . 1 lonely blue swimmer crab, which completely freaked Lily out - she wouldn't go anywhere near it

Austin was also a bit freaked out by the crab claws but tried to act all big and brave


  1. Memories being created here! How awesome Steve's parents are visiting. Have a great time together!

    PS All that weed on the beach brought back memories for me...years ago (I'd only been with Ben a year or two) we did a wind surfing course at Palm Beach. I'm terrified of seaweed, and had to carry my windsurfer through metres of the stuff to get to actual clear water. I was hugely freaking out but couldn't lose face in front of Ben or the instructor. What a sook hey. And I was a LOUSY windsurfer too!!!!!!

    1. Yes you are a sook!!! But don't worry so am I, I HATE seaweed too, especially that stringy ugly itchy stuff. There's no way I'd get in that water so you're a lot braver than me.
