
Friday, 7 October 2011

a mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood...

Linda & I took Austin and Alex to see 'The Gruffalo', which was playing at the Opera House during the school holidays. Lily and Erin are both in the 'cant sit still for a minute stage', so Mum and Dad met us there to look after them, although they both fell asleep in their prams within 5 minutes so Mum and Dad got to sit back and have a relaxing coffee - why does that never happen to us...

The boys were really excited as they both love the book, but when we walked into the theatre they seemed a bit over-awed by the theatre and stage. They insisted on sharing the same seat, which was very cute and when the lights went down they snuggled in closer to eachother. The woods were a bit scary looking and I was a bit worried about them at one stage but the actors made it funny and they both got into it. Austin kept asking "where's the Gruffalo?" over and over, and when he eventually came on stage he wasn't very happy with the costume "where's the purple prickles on his back and poisonous wart on his nose?" - they were there but not as prominent as Austin would have liked!

It was a great show, although I suspect Linda and I enjoyed it more than the boys...

I promised Austin an ice cream if he walked from Wynyard to Circular Quay without complaining, which he did - Lily was in the pram so she got to share one with me!!!

Inside the theatre where you are not allowed to take photos, 
there was a cranky usher telling people off so we had to be sneaky...

Awww look at them, they look like 2 little old men...


1 comment:

  1. It was great wasn't it? I loved it, Dex loved it but Hugo kept asking to go home throughout - too scary for him!
