
Saturday, 7 January 2012

Boots no.2

Steve has a very special friendship with Santa Claus, apparently he phoned the jolly man and they conspired together to surprise us all on Christmas morning with a pet python. Steve was so sneaky, knowing that I wouldn't be able to get mad on Christmas morning and especially not in front of the kids because Santa had supposedly given it to them. It's not that I'm against them having a snake, but I was just hoping to be living somewhere a little less cramped when we did. But anyway, we have him now and he's growing on me, I just wish we didn't have to store dead mice in our freezer . . .

Christmas morning

Austin has been completely fine with all the yucky stuff like feeding and cleaning the poo, which really surprised us, he seems to enjoy the responsibility
Lily looking a tad concerned as Boots takes the mouse

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