
Saturday, 7 January 2012

school shoes

Back in November we took an extremely excited Austin to get his uniform for big school but of course he wasn't completely happy because we didn't have the shoes. The constant whining and asking about when he was going to get them was too much for me so a few days later off we went to the shoe shop, but of course being November they had hardly any styles or sizes left so he couldn't get them that day, oh the drop lip and tears that followed . . .
The lady told us to come back after Christmas, around the 29th of December when they got their new stock in. So we got through most of December and Christmas with not much mention of them, but then without me even reminding him, the morning of the 29th Austin woke up and exclaimed "Yay, we are going to get my school shoes today!!!!".

Such excitement sitting on the steps and waiting to be fitted
can you get a more cheesier grin
if only he knew how much he will hate wearing those shoes in a few months time - and for the next 13 years or so

1 comment:

  1. Same time, twelve months ago, we were in a Shoes and Sox shop at Penrith doing exactly the same for Till - and she was just as excited! Lucky for us her shoes still fit for this year!!! The novelty of school has worn off though :(
    PS Your kids pull the best, funniest faces. Lily is a classic. You must smile all day when she's around.
