
Tuesday, 27 March 2012

party preparation

Lily is turning 3 soon and every time I asked her what kind of party she wanted she would give me about 10 different themes, "I want a ballerina party, no I want a pirate party, no mummy I want a Dora party"(not on my watch) etc etc. Eventually I sat down with the Womans Weekly Cake Book and said "choose your cake". She still changed her mind about a 100 times but we finally settled on the one that was on the front cover, a fairy house/toadstool. And I think the only reason we settled on it was because it was on the front cover - thankfully it wasn't a cricket bat or something on the cover.
So now we have the theme the party planning starts in earnest - I do tend to go overboard a bit - but I absolutely love it.

Pics for the party invite - the teacups had 100's and 1000's in them - the only way I could get her
to sit still and smile for the camera.

We had a lot of fun making a fairy garden

Painting her no.3 as decoration for the table.

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